Commission Disclosure

There are two type of earning model which exists in Indian Mutual Fund industry :

  1. One who charges fees and sells the fund under Direct option
  2. Another who earns commission from the MF company and do not charge fees from clients.

We work under the model -2 ; we strongly believe that it is always honest to tell your clients what will you charge - Directly or Indirectly, instead of putting it under flexible mode! In order to provide a comfort to our clients in terms of our commission range being offered by various Mutual Funds under various categories. And one must know that there is a special CAP of expense to be charged by any MF company under each category.

SL No Mutual Fund Type Commission Method Rate Range Paid from
1 Debt Trail 0.75% to 1.25% Portfolio Expenses charged by the AMC
2 Equity Trail 0.75% to 1.25% Portfolio Expenses charged by the AMC
3 Hybrid Funds Trail 0.75% to 1.25% Portfolio Expenses charged by the AMC
4 Liquid Funds Trail 0.01% to 0.10% Portfolio Expenses charged by the AMC

Still want to know more about our commission and want to measure its worth vis- a vis our services ?
Just E mail us at or call us at +91-9828056522 is an online website of Mr. Mahesh Kumar Sharma who is registered vide ARN-30853 as a Mutual Fund distributor. The said website is just an electronic presentation of financial planning for self help by investors. This site should not be treated as a financial advisory website as we do not charge for any calculation or results produced here. The website do not guarantees any returns or financial goal success by any means.